I have to go in on y'all & let you know as a writer, blogger, & internet radio personality on some real talk. If you want me or anyone to feature you in our blogs & articles then you need to be putting out info on yourself. It seems like artist just create pages on social networks & post a few MP3s and then seem to think the world is supposed to know who you are. I understand that you are new in the game but at some point you will have to have a publicist.
Imagine being in school & being asked to do a report on some new music artist or some new celebrity. You would be frustrated b/c you can't find info on that person no matter how many times you google the person's name. You are not on the level on President Barack Obama or Russell Simmons when I can go online or into a bookstore & freely find info on you.
So if you want effective marketing & branding you have to put yourself out there. You have to have info on who you are as an artist. You have to put out music (i.e. mixtapes & free mp3s for promotional use), do videos & video drops (viral marketing), network, hustle hard, & take advantage of your resources & technology. You can join websites like Trunk Hustlers, come on my radio show & other radio shows, & even start your own radio show on sites such as Blog Talk Radio.
You have to come correct when you are promoting yourself. The days of getting your record played at radio stations & getting your music to labels IS NOT the same way it used to be back in the day. You can not run up on Diddy, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre & so on & just put a CD in their hands. They are not going to play your music that way. You can not run up & the clubs & demand that DJ plays your music. That sh#t is just not flying. You have to give the DJ or radio personality such as myself incentive to play you. Do drops (audio & video), buy the DJ a drink, & barter.
Networking is not talking about who you met Lil Wayne or Pharrell & they asked you to hold their drink & you've done something. Networking is a exchange of good services. How can we help each other vs. not what can you do for me. I'm gonna post up my past two shows on Blog Talk Radio where Cool V, Professor X of Royal Kort Beats, and I discussed marketing & branding yourself in music & in business in general.

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