Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Years Resolutions! - Ready, Set, Take #ACTION | @TheN3xtNOW

Being the last #Tuesday of 2015, we are sharing our #NYEResolutions #LifeChanging Tips for all to have a #Prosperous2016 & a huge #Cheers in proceeding your #Dreams & your #Success! Take #ACTION - There is no Success if you do not Take actions to Succeed The Goals to New Years Resolutions can be based from your original 5 year goal plan or whatever Goal regiment you follow, at this point you should have accomplished a part of your original plan - Goals! Even more than that, in the process we have learned more effective and efficient ways to proceed! The main #Key to effective Goals / Resolutions is to not fail before you even begin to succeed! Don't BE DOOMED, #CREATE your #ACTIONPLAN Whether you are creating a New Goal & / or Resolutions to those goals here are a few tips to Taking Action Effectively in your New Years #Resolutions for 2016! 1) #READY? - Only set Goals that you are reasonably ready to take action in! (Don't scramble for non realistic goals) Sometimes taking a step to reach a goal as a resolutions is more reasonable. EX: Diet plan, to change a diet you are not going to completely change by quitting your present diet plan New years eve! but you can start to adapt to cut out preservatives, or bad habits starting January 1st, with the goal of changing your diet a full 360 degrees eventually by taking steps to the full change. 2) #BELIEVE - LOA - again law of attraction is a huge factor, you cant say you believe you can reach your resolutions if you are always speaking negative of them. EX: instead of saying "this will never work", "i can't", or "IF" - exclude negative speech of your goals & keep positive verbiage "I can do this", "I Got this", "I'm Focused"! NEED HELP with STAYING FOCUSED IN MINDSET: 3) THINK POSITIVE & CONSTRUCTIVELY OF setbacks Sometimes we may have setbacks, but as long as you continue to proceed fwd you will overcome and those setbacks will become so small that they will not even exist anymore! from a Set back, don't immediately think of yourself as a failure, as humans WE LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES CONSTRUCTIVELY BY EVALUATION OF WHAT THE SET BACK WAS AND IN LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IN PREVENTION OF IT! 4) #BUILD MENTAL #STRENGTH in Reference our last two post Eliminating the word "IF" & "You Control Your Happiness" You are in full control of your mind set, you are in full control of your future & a great New Years Resolution / goals! With that said our #Team send you lots of love & blessings to a #ProsperousNewYears #Happy2016 |
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