Wednesday, September 16, 2015

#Runway #Fashion & #Trending, adapting to Global Warming #Style | @juelsofrome #TN #JOR #MrOW #CVTV #DOND

Fantasy - Unitarian Function fashion +Harper's BAZAAR In 2015 we have reached a time where our home we call Earth - "Life" is rapidly dying, where at one time it was slowly dying just by population. The statistics we are going to view today are extremely dangerous to our health, and plant life! Today we have a combined total percentage rate of 99.9% or higher of being attacked by Air Pollution, Government Pollution's, Sun Rays, Natural Disaster, etc. Below here are some interesting facts and resources that you may or may not know.
*Anything over 10 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5 considered hazardous to our health by WHO - If noticed in the gram right above everywhere across the globe is above 10 micro-grams, the worst being in Xingtai, China. So if your in the US you probably are thinking well at least we are just over 10, right? Well think again, we all live on the same earth and actually all breath the same air being we live under the same atmosphere on the same home Earth! It is proven fact that air pollution travels through out the Earths atmosphere within 24 hours.
Air Pollution in China Is Spreading Across the Pacific to the U.S. The most tangible environmental impact of China's enormous manufacturing industry is very localized: Remarkably bad urban air quality in China that occasionally closes schools, has entrepreneurs selling canned air and has caused an estimated 1.2 million premature deaths. But air pollution doesn't respect international borders. And a pair of recent studies has demonstrated this in striking fashion, showing that the pollution is likely increasing the strength of cyclones forming over the Pacific Ocean and even spreading detectable levels of contaminants all the way to the Western U.S. Read more Follow #SmithsonianMag @SmithsonianMag on Twitter
Soot is theorized to be the second-largest cause of global warming. A new study suggests that soot plays a major role in climate change – second only to carbon-dioxide emissions. Targeting soot could lead to quicker results in battling global warming. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel and from land-use changes remains in the No. 1 spot. But the direct effect of soot on air temperatures, as well as its indirect effect on ice and snow melt and on cloud formation and persistence, are knocking at the door. READ FULL ARTICLE ON SOOT GLOBAL WARMING
Pollution effects are indeed many and wide-ranging. There is no doubt that excessive levels of pollution are causing a lot of damage to human & animal health, tropical rainforests, as well as the wider environment. Air pollution's remains a serious threat, about 800,000 people per year die prematurely due to outdoor air pollution, according to a 2005 study Reported in 2005 by: READ MORE
Nasa reports in January 2015, Pollution doesn't just pollute! Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology, both in Pasadena, California, are looking at how Asian pollution is changing weather and climate around the globe. READ MORE & watch animated video showing aerosol emission and transport (Spread of Asian Pollution) from September 1, 2006 to April 10, 2007.
The nefarious effects of climate change can be felt everywhere, scientists say, from last year's extra-balmy winter to last week's Hurricane Sandy, a storm whose destructive brawn some attribute to global warming. Jessica Misener writes of Huffington Post 11/08/12 - READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
"Forum for the Future" - Highlights Climate change refugees transfer fashion influences across the world. People turn to second-hand clothes to satisfy seasonal fashion trends – EBay is the hugely popular website dedicated to high-quality vintage clothing. smart clothes’ with built-in monitors protect their wearers from disease and enhance their fitness; pharmaceutical companies are competing with the fashion industry. - "FORUM FOR FASHION" - HIGHLY ENCOURAGED FOR DESIGNERS / FASHION INDUSTRY - VIEW & DOWNLOAD (61 page) COPY
The new world order means that fashion needs utilitarian function — and a touch of fantasy. By Harper's Bazaar Staff View "Global Warming & Fashion" Slides HERE +Harper's BAZAAR
2014 - 2016 Fashion Industry Runways exposing Global Warming Fashion Its Time! This is a now, to adapt to our world surrounding and protect yourself. Awareness is going to be the crucial key to living a longer healthy life for you and your family! Along with awareness is leveraging your health and how you gear up when you step out into the Polluted world! Attention all even non- china residents - Today's fashion industry is trending "Key" fashion "elements" for our Millennium, Global warming that is trending our way. So get in gear and remember to think Environmental friendly in your daily attire and way of life, every little bit of distributional cause helps save our home earth!

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