Monday, September 21, 2015

#Music #Media loosing fight against #Culture - The #Generation #Edge, Digital Native #Youtubbers the key culture to the #Millennium | #MusicIndustryBlog @youtube @ASCAP

YouTube’s Biggest Threat To The Music Industry Isn’t What You Probably Think It Is! YouTube’s disruptive commercial impact on the music industry is well documented but the real threat to music is far more fundamental and can’t be ‘fixed,’ not even by the world’s best lawyers. This is because the most important impact YouTube is having on music is not commercial, it is cultural. While the music industry is grappling with how to deal with the premium revenue that YouTube appears to be sucking away, a whole generation of (largely non-music) creators native to YouTube have quickly learned how to build highly profitable careers and businesses solely on YouTube. And in doing so they have created an entirely new youth culture. A culture for the sub-millennials, the early teens and pre-teens that are still lazily referred to broadly as Millennials or Digital Natives, but are in fact an entirely new and distinct from those consumers. It is a generation that creative types such as Frukt and the Sound are calling Generation Edge. The emerging behaviours of these consumers are dramatically different from their older Millennial peers and are the catalyst of an entirely new era of youth culture. Crucially a culture in which music looks set to play much less central role than it has ever done so before for youth.
In Search Of A New Subculture At the Future Music Forum, Frukt’s Jack Horner observed that most music genres, and indeed media as a whole, are becoming age agnostic, which means that it is really hard for Generation Edge to find music that they can own, that their mum and dad aren’t going to sing along to too. This is the price to be paid for media and brands having successfully convinced aging 30 and 40 somethings that they are still young at heart and in the pocket. So with no music subculture to cling to Generation Edge has instead gravitated to YouTube stars. For those not familiar with this wave of YouTubers, it is nothing short of an entire new culture in which the platform, medium, format and talent blends into a single entity. READ MORE

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