Wednesday, July 8, 2015


One day before San Diego Comic Con begins DC & Warner Bros looks to fully take advantage of the Con this year showing exclusive footage of their movies for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, 2016's Suicide Squad, and they are still planning a Justice League movie too. Latest photos show Superman & Batman staring down about to go at it, Superman presumably in Mexico during the Day of the Dead celebration, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne with Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor with a wig on (a nod to Gene Hackman's Lex).

Director Zack Snyder says that there are consequences for Superman and General Zod's massive fight in Metropolis which cause catatrosphic damage to the city and most specifically Wayne Industries satellite was destroyed and an Wayne Industries Metropolis office which Bruce Wayne aka Batman did not take well too. So we can see the Caped Crusader use this as motivation for taking down Superman, an alien not of this Earth that Batman does not trust. We'll see how Snyder pulls this off with the two most iconic superheros going toe to toe. Gal Gadot will appear as Wonder Woman but let's see if Snyder creates a good movie and not cram too much into it.

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