Saturday, August 16, 2014

#IndustryUpdate #MusicNews The Most Important & Valuable piece of information for Your Music Biz | @hypebot @ASCAP @Juelsofrome

image from musicbiz.orgFree Updated Music Metadata Style Guide 2.0 From Music Biz

Music metadata is a boring topic, but a very important one. Today The Music Business Association (Music Biz) published version 2.0 of its Music Metadata Style Guide, which provides common naming conventions and data entry standards for music companies to use when listing, ingesting, and managing digital music. By following these standards, artists, labels and digital services can ensure that customers can easily find, stream, share and buy the tracks or albums they are looking for.

Compiled by Music Biz’s Digital Supply Chain and Operations Work Group, the updated document furthers the mission of the original, adding significant changes to standards for artists, albums, and tracks; providing more robust direction on DDEX standards; and adding Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai to the languages section.
“We have consistently said that the Music Metadata Style Guide is a living document, and with technology moving forward at an incredible pace, it’s important that we continuously update our baseline standards to account for these advances,” said Robby Towns, Director of Digital Strategy and Community for the Music Business Association. “It’s our hope that the industry will look to this document whenever they have a question about how to list a particular artist, album, track, or any other digital audio file. Without consistent, high-quality data, innovation in the digital music space will suffer, and we must help ensure that doesn’t happen.”
 Version 2.0 is available for free and can be viewed here

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