Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Mila J is the sister of upcoming R&B artist Jhene Aiko. She is known for being in Prince's video for "Diamonds and Pearls," and was part of a short-lived girl groups called Gyrl and Dame Four, and appeared on tracks by RaRa, IMx and Omarion. She was actually signed first years ago by Chris Stokes & she was a dancer for Immature. She released several singles in 2006-2009 ("Good Lookin","Complete", "No More Complaining") under the name "Mila J," and then went on a hiatus for a number of years before returning as "Japollonia" in 2012 and then reverting to her stage name as Mila J. This year in 2014, Mila J has released hits "Smoke, Drink, & Breakup"& her new follow up "My Main". After checking out several of her videos, Mila J can def hold her own & I think aside from a lot of people who always like to compare Ciara to Aaliyah...I'd have to say that Mila J is close to that. There is no replacing Aaliyah & Ciara but also make sure you check on Mila J.

Check out her at WEBSITE:


Follow this latin beauty and 2 time bodybuilding champion Yves Nunez aka #NuNu on her other social networks.  You just heard the whistle she's #Official!!!!!! :) 

 Google+:  /yvesnunez


Saturday, August 16, 2014

#RespectAllMusic Motown Paved the way for our Music Business Careers - They are Entitled there dues | @Project72 @ASCAP @BMI @Juelsofrome @MrOfficialWhistle

Up to 15% of all music played by digital radio services was recorded before 1972. In certain genres the percentage is even higher.
Some of the biggest digital radio companies have decided to stop paying royalties to artists who recorded music before this time. That includes the hitmakers of Motown, the legends of Jazz & Blues, and the people who gave birth to Rock n' Roll. Why would these services choose to disrespect the legacy artists whose work inspired the generations of artists who came after them? Based on their interpretation of copyright law, these companies believe that they can use pre-1972 recordings for free, forever.
In one year alone, this practice caused artists and record labels to lose nearly $60 million in royalties. Half of these royalties would be paid directly into the pockets of artists.
This is a matter of fairness. Stand with us for the artists who inspire you and the generations of artists who followed in their footsteps.
Tell Congress to support the RESPECT Act, H.R. 4772, to ensure that digital radio respects all music!

#IndustryUpdate #MusicNews The Most Important & Valuable piece of information for Your Music Biz | @hypebot @ASCAP @Juelsofrome

image from musicbiz.orgFree Updated Music Metadata Style Guide 2.0 From Music Biz

Music metadata is a boring topic, but a very important one. Today The Music Business Association (Music Biz) published version 2.0 of its Music Metadata Style Guide, which provides common naming conventions and data entry standards for music companies to use when listing, ingesting, and managing digital music. By following these standards, artists, labels and digital services can ensure that customers can easily find, stream, share and buy the tracks or albums they are looking for.

Compiled by Music Biz’s Digital Supply Chain and Operations Work Group, the updated document furthers the mission of the original, adding significant changes to standards for artists, albums, and tracks; providing more robust direction on DDEX standards; and adding Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai to the languages section.
“We have consistently said that the Music Metadata Style Guide is a living document, and with technology moving forward at an incredible pace, it’s important that we continuously update our baseline standards to account for these advances,” said Robby Towns, Director of Digital Strategy and Community for the Music Business Association. “It’s our hope that the industry will look to this document whenever they have a question about how to list a particular artist, album, track, or any other digital audio file. Without consistent, high-quality data, innovation in the digital music space will suffer, and we must help ensure that doesn’t happen.”
 Version 2.0 is available for free and can be viewed here

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The effects of international trade negotiations on music copyright - Why such a big deal?! - Digital Utopia | @IllusionOfMore

Digital Rights Activists & the TPP

Photo by Wahoo

If the TPP is secret, how accurate are its biggest critics?
I can’t claim expertise (or even substantial knowledge) on the subject of international trade, but can you?  When was the last time, you followed a trade negotiation like a sports fan?  Yeah, me either.  But consistent with our conspiracy-rich times fostered by overvalue of context-free leaks and well-funded fear mongering, various organizations are keeping up the controversy over ongoing negations in the multinational Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.  The first thing self-proclaimed digital rights advocates will tell you is that the TPP negotiations are entirely secret, and then they’ll proceed to tell you what’s wrong with many of the proposals being made by the USTR.  If you’re paying attention, that’s a contradiction right there, but for sure, they want you to know it’s secret, and that the officials doing the negotiation aren’t even elected!

"LISTEN NOW" ads for Artist & Albums on Google | @RainNews @ASCAP

Google artist adGoogle has started testing a new form of advertising that gives listeners a direct link to a streaming service. The Wall Street Journal reported that the music services are paying for the spots by the click, similar to Google’s other paid text link ads. It also said that the ads will show up on both mobile devices and personal computers. “We’re happy to help users quickly find legitimate sources for their favorite movies, music and more via Google search,” an unnamed Google rep told WSJ.
We tested out several searches for pop sensation Lady Gaga, hip-hop duo Outkast, and rock staple Led Zeppelin. Based on our experiments, the music ads are for Google Play, Rhapsody, Spotify, and Beats Music. They appear in the right sidebar under the header “Listen Now”  accompanied by a yellow box that reads “Ads.” Right now, the links show up in searches for an artist and for many albums, and they will take you to the service. You won’t be able to listen to any services that require a paid subscription, but it’s easy to sign up from any of the landing pages the ads direct to.
When you search for a specific track, though, the top hit is a YouTube video. Interestingly, searching for a track that has no official music video still yields YouTube as the first hit. Led Zeppelin’s “Rain Song” goes to a fan video that just shows a still of the album art. We’re curious to see whether Google will eventually weed out these unofficial hits and focus only on the videos and services that support the labels and artists.
Google Search "The Beatles" - 'LISTEN NOW' Ad

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

#MrOfficialWhistle #ChartExplosion #Bangers - August 2014 Edition | @MrOfficialWhistle @Juelsofrome

The Man who reached out globally to his fans always leaving a SMILE! - Best Moments with Robin Williams | @Juelsofrome @MrOfficialWhistle @Mashable

Robin Williams
1951 - 2014

A Tribute to the Man who brightened up our day, put a smile on our face and a heartfelt tear, through his Acting, Voice overs and Amazing loving Characters he brought to us on the theater Screen!   Thank you for the laughter, love, and all the smiles that you delivered!  We admired and were honored to of known you through the Entertainment you delivered! You will be missed!  Prayers to your beloved family & friends!
xoxo Love #TRN #JOR #DOND