Saturday, June 21, 2014

Music Industries Top Artist s/o "Its Not Official Unless you Heard the Whistle" | First Time Ever the Music Industries CEO M&M brings you Charts Direct | @MrOfficialWhistle

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The music Industries Top Artist make known in their lyrics and contributions “Its Not Official unless you Heard the Whistle” s/o for #1 Music & Marketing Insomniac #MrOfficialWhistle aka Cool “V”ee for [Vibez].

Stationed on the cutting edge of the Ent & Music industries Technology movement since the mid 80’s he has been Certifying Your top Billboards & Chart listings through all the major dj pools, radio, networks and more.

To present day, Mr Official Whistle has been rating your next Mainstream Artist and Top Charts Globally. Touching every movement & growth of the Musics industry from Country, Jazz, Pop, to Your mainstream Hip Hop & R&B Tracks, You're just not official, unless you get the Whistle.
You are in for a real treat, cause For the first time ever, launching Friday June 20th Rated Next CEO Exec delivers the Top Charts updates direct.  Listen in, as Mr Official Whistle brings YOU the #1 Global hits right here on our blogs bi- weekly.
#MrOfficialWhistle shows his gratitude of all the Global listeners and created a SNEAK PREVIEW of what’s to come!  #YouHeardTheWhistle #ItsOfficial ;) #Enjoy
Written by: J.Salazar PR -
Credits to #TRN #JOR #MrOfficialWhistle

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