Wednesday, June 15, 2011


What's Crack'n People!

Goodmorning/Gooday (Or whatever the hell time is where your at when you read this lol)

I love helping people and as most of you who know me or know of me know one thing and that is I have helped a ton of artists major & independent past and present in my career because I love doing so I am genuinely a good natured person. Now although I am all game for helping people when I have time and also when it comes from the heart meaning when "I CHOOSE TO DO SO!" what most people nowadays don't realize is how selfish they have become.

In my travels threwout my career I have seen so many of my peers get used a caught the short end of the stick on several occasions from artists, managers, djs, bloggers, models, labels, managers etc basically anyone who is trying to come up looking for their next stepping stone (Victim). However I am not mad nor bitter just the wiser I have helped a ton of artists. To many to namesome of which you see on the big screen daily (To be honest 1/2 hell half of them) Some artists even went as far as to have my name in their song while trying to brand themselves, or included my branded whistle ( my swag ) in their songs (DON'T BELIEVE ME DO YOUR RESEARCH ABOUT THE OFFICIAL WHISTLE) without so much as just a str8 up "THANK YOU" or a post card, email or even a text. When in fact before they became popular they called my phone night and day so much in fact it caused friction in my relationships. But did they ever think about that noooooooooo just as long as they got what they want (Interview, Eblast, Introduction, or co-sign or whatever hook-up at the time).

This is NOT a new thing but common EVERYWHERE in almost EVERY industry. Today the world has turned to "Operation Gimmie!" Just recently I had a blast of BS experiences from dealing with someone I spent years building their brand with nothing but a verbal thank you meanwhile I watched the same artist go pay someone else for their brand while wanting me to do not just the same but more work for free!!! Without giving me something as little as a linked in simple recommendation on linkedin. (WDF) Yet in still saying that they respect me & value my brand while calling me and begging me for countless hours to do so (Like I owe them when in fact they done NOTHING for me!) and this isn't just one person but many independents and MAJOR label heads conducting business in the same exact manner not just to me but to my peers and countless others(Crazy huh?) It's 100% the truth I even got a artist on a major NETWORK for free and the thanks I got was please cease and desist letter to stop promoting a drop that artist did for my charitable organization to help the homeless (wow) now again I am NOT trying to slander, disrespect or put anyone out on front street notice I have haven't used any names besides this is not a angry article but one to educate and get artists and others to relate and understand what loyalty, true appreciate and respect is.

I watched one of my close friends "Ronardo Jammerson" responsible for discovering and getting the group "Profyle" and getting them their deal who is alsoresponsible for making "Slum Village" a household name get used abused and eventually die of Lupus.(R.I.P Bro) It was crazy!!!! I couldn't understand how out of all the countless groups he helped threw-out his career that his family and wife wouldn't even get as much as a postcard or flowers sending their condolences. All these artists just used him up. The same applies for my boy "J Dilla" who loved making music and helping others he also didn't get the recognition he truly deserved! Dilla was one of the industries hottest producers and still is! A little recognition didn't come until he died and I feel he still hasn't gotten the full recognition I feel he deserved.(REAL TALK) I Also watched 1st hand how the World famous "Rick James" ( Who's Sister "Birdy Johnson" is my moms best friend) who was used and under appreciated this is a artist that can plays every instrument who also inspired Prince yes he came first and Prince bit his style and flipped it and they had a feud for a minute. He was also responsible for creating a genre of music the Punk Funk brand which created groups and artist like Teena Marie, Mary Jane Girls, Process & The Do Rags, and worked with influenced almost everyone in the game yet hasn't received his induction in the "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" nor even recognition in his home town which he donated thousands and thousands of dollars to in his community.

I got a million more from fellow producers, family members , artists and colleagues who have all tasted that nasty taste of disloyalty, disrespect & betrayal. Today people do whatever it takes and screw whoever till until they get what they want. Because that's the mentality most have today which has effected how we do business, how we value friendship and family etc. We have entered into "Generation ME" and "Operation Gimmie!" I hear so many people talk about NETWORKING when the truth is 96% don't even truly know what the word truly means!!!! So let me explain REAL NETWORKING means both parties are exchanging services and sharing resources to achieve a common interest for both brands. While today most people just want to know what can you do for ME! It's the way the media has programmed them as well as our families and why wonder why our jobs, school systems, families and love relationships are suffering? It's a dayum shame! ( SMH)!

Anywho, people I just wanted to drop some food for thought ask yourself how many times have this happened to YOU? So next time when you start doing business, or starting a new relationship business/personal or otherwise remember it's about a "Common Interest" there must be a common goal to be achieved. So in the meantime I wish you all the best but below is an example of what I receive daily via Phone, IM, Skype OR TEXT MESSAGE an why mos of us professionals have a go threw system (Gate Keepers). Again I am NOT posting this to be mean nor did the artist mean to disrespect but because most aren't educated about the industry or do their research or take the time to learn the business common mistakes like this costs them careers and valuable allies however I truly appreciate how this conversation ended on a great note people take note do unto others as you would like done unto you!



hey whats good with u . do u support un signed artist.


Report · 9:20am

Yes I do make sure you fill out submission form come hard and if I dig it its on deck!


Report · 9:20am

ok . ima do hat

but in the mean time can u go check out my two new tracks and tell me what u think.


Report · 9:22am

family I am extremely busy but I will mos def listen to your tracks but now reporting to the labels and marketing for these sites

so I apologize for the delay but when your marketing for over 7 radio stations & 5 record pools your time is limited


but thank you


I will review as soon as I can


Report · 9:23am

wrd cause once u do , u gne wnt to shop me around to the labels

sound say ima give chris brown a run for his money


Report · 9:24am

do you have a budget?

I don't mind shopping but time is money

If you have a budget fo sho


Report · 9:24am

i mean Im a R&B singer doing it on my own


Report · 9:25am

I understand that I have very affordable packages


Report · 9:25am

I just make good music and hope god bless me one day


Report · 9:25am

and I get hit by 100"s of artist and I will show love but I can't afford to shop someone elses stuff all day when I have bills to pay let me give you some advice

its not HOW much you spend but the effort of you investing in YOUR brand

if YOU wont no one else will

and thats real talk

it doesn't matter how much

its the effort labels & industry execs are looking for

think of it like this how many hot artists you know aren't getting radio play

labels and companies get behind brands


Report · 9:27am

that i know.


Report · 9:27am


Report · 9:27am



Report · 9:27am

ask yourself this

would you invest time and money in someone you dont know

nor have a contract with

and the real reason is because we get used by artists all the time

so we hear that line but once we get them across the finish line there is no loyalty

so thats why you pay now a days

and would you invest time, money & energy in someone you dont know?

I'm just trying to educate you so for future reference you get the best


Report · 9:29am

naw , not really


Report · 9:29am



see YOU wouldn't even do it so why should we?

Mos people like to think so because its their brand but remember the mos important person to you is YOU

but there is no I in WE

the best way is to just say if you have time would you mind taking a listen to my project be humble

and then barter trade if your broke meaning ask what do they need

then you'll get better results & thats real talk

and If I was a asshole or didnt care I wouln'dt have just put u up on game;)

each one reach one & teach one

be blessed my brother and I look forward to checking it out

remember COME HARD!!!


Report · 9:33am




Report · 9:35am


Real cats do real things!!!


Report · 9:36am

u learen somthing new everyday


Report · 9:36am

All day my brother all day!


and if u need anything from me hit me up im game

god bless u , homie

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