Monday, March 15, 2010



What's Crack'n Peoples!

Yes it's official blow the whistle MTV & OUR STAGE HAS MERGED!!! Yes I was like dayum Viacom is taking over "EVERYTHING" in this industry that is one hell of a move to lock down the fastest growing artists outlet in the country! Read more below this is a actual email I got from Backstage. (Enjoy!) Check the official letter I received below.

To the artists, music lovers and industry insiders that make up the OurStage community,

Since the inception of OurStage the founders have aspired to change the landscape of the music industry by finding a way to discover tomorrow’s stars. With your help we have been hugely successful at ranking the quality of talent within our arsenal of artists. With the help of our partners we have been fortunate enough to provide some of our most promising artists career enhancing opportunities. Now it’s time to raise the bar even higher.

We want to break artists regionally, nationally and internationally. In order to achieve this goal we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the MTV Networks. The sheer power of MTV's many screens from TV to web to mobile to gaming will allow for many more opportunities for OurStage artists. In the months to follow we will announce promotions that will put our artists in front of massive audiences.

To kick off this relationship MTV Music and OurStage will be selecting one artist each week for a collaborate feature called "Needle in the Haystack". NITH will shower each lucky artist with Internet love, making them an "artist to watch". Since February 1st you can discover the featured talent through downloads and interviews shared on and

Since its premiere in 1981 MTV has had a profound impact on both the music industry and popular culture at large. This partnership heralds a shared vision to truly break the stars of tomorrow. It is a commitment that we look forward to making a reality. Now all we need is you.

Artists, continue to update your profiles, EPKs and submit your best songs into our monthly music channels. Fans, continue to let your voice be heard through judging— as your opinion can help launch the careers of our artists and change their lives forever.

Let’s make some magic happen.


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