Thursday, November 26, 2009


Whats Crack'n Peoples!

As you know Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time for caring and it's when our families come together but what about the forgotten or the less fortunate? Well, yesterday the goodness in alot of people was visible in Virginia. Elton Brown has a annual "Give Back" to the community event that was a great success and your boy boy was happy to be involved. Oporation We Care is a organization created by (Ya Boyee) to help the homeless and disadvantaged. Which was the common denominator that brought myself and NFL superstar together. (Shouts to Eka Samone who also helped make this possible)

Me and Elton come from similar backgrounds and realize that for much is given much is required. GOD has blessed me to have a voice in the media threw my history in The Entertainment field him the same threw his football career. We both agreed that we have "GIVE BACK" and to make a difference because we know that there is most def a "NEED' for this in some of our forgotten urban communities. We both know the politics of being raised in the hood and how the homeless and less fortunate is looked upon. So we decided to combine our efforts to help create a better future!

Now yesterdays event was a huge success but "IT DOESN'T STOP THERE PEOPLE!" That's just "ONE DAY PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS 365 DAYS A YEAR!" We are NOT like those people who do a event once a year to clear their conscious then go back to the same routine and ignore these people. That is NOT the way to go nor does that change a thing we are not here to just band-aid the problems we face rather help by creating a more continued service to these people in need. Most homeless people do not want our pity just our concern (Their is a difference) They do NOT wish to be looked down on or upon their EVERYDAY situation is realistic enough!

We understand that their are a lot of good people and programs out but with budget cuts and little promotions and communication a ton of help falls threw the cracks. For example how many community events or grant have you found out "Last Minute" hell (including ours) what happens is that person(s) who care to make a difference but don't know how to reach the media wants to throw the event doesn't have the multi-media outlets while those that do don't wish to be involved unless they receive praise or payment. Hell I was even told by a person who I contacted for this event "I DON'T DO NOTHING FOR FREE" (Have we forgotten that for much is given much os required?) What type of selfish BS are we on these days? Thank GOD "EVERYONE" doesn't share that same view and that's why this event was a huge success!

At this time I would like to thank all of the bloggers who reposted this event. The twitters who Re-tweeted this event. Darknight Ent for hitting the streets and doing what they do best. All the radio personalities especially "THE BUDDA BROTHERS & 103.Jamz for always showing love. Wavy 10 for covering the event as well as "The Dailey Press for doing a article about the event as well as well as the cable community access channel and other local websites that posted this event. And of course we cannot forget about the many sponsors and volunteers who donated their time, space and efforts to ensure the success of this event including Robin Brown Ministries (Elton's Mom), Pastor John Soloman Y. H. Thomas Community Center teamed, Architects of Change, Chick-Fil-A, Bobby Atkinson, the Yes We Can Foundation, Going Postal, Eka Samone, Miss Parker Baby, Mary Nicholes, Wayne Royale, Jengerbread Marketing, Coda Grooves, Qwilight Records, Angela Showers, J Milly, X Squad DJs, and the countless others who helped me spread the message to feed the hungry.

See Daily Press Article "Here"

Once again I'd like to 1st thank "ELTON BROWN" for reaching out to me and second "Eka Samone" for the connection but most importantly "ALL THE SPONSORS AND PEOPLE WHO HELPED US MAKE A DIFFERENCE" "We humbly thank you from the bottoms of our hearts because you could have been doing many things instead you helped us "MAKE A DIFFERENCE"

Have a great week people and remember to PG1st which simply means "PUT GOD FIRST" with him "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" Remember this he that believes achieves and I believe in a better tomorrow like Obama says "YES WE CAN" so lets start sharing and caring and getting our streets, kids and communities back!

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