Thursday, September 17, 2009



Another tragedy befalls Philadelphia. No, I'm not talking about Donovan McNabb. The Pennsylvania State Senate was unable to pass a budget this last week, which may result in the mandatory closing of all Philadelphia public libraries come October 2.

No public officials have set a potential reopening time for the libraries, but NBC Philadelphia has been quick to point out the social ramifications of the State Senate's failure:

* No access to the Internet for low-income earners
* Cancellation of after-school educational programs in libraries
* GED and ESL programs discontinued
* Obviously, no free books, magazines or movies

The Free Library of Philadelphia website details the canceled programs, but also gives options for ways to help prevent the closing, or at least aid the libraries in re-opening sooner, if you live in the Philadelphia area.

From Free Library of Philadelphia:

1. Find your elected officials. Visit this interactive map and enter your zip code.
2. If a phone number is provided, call your legislator and encourage them to do
everything they can to keep the libraries open in Philadelphia.
3. Download our suggested letter (you can enter your legislator's address on the
letter), print it out and sign it. Don't forget to mail or fax it today!

Read more at: "Here"

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